I’m Nidhi.
Need help doing business in India?
Business Consulting for the Indian Market
India is one of the fastest-growing markets, with great potential, but in no way is it an easy one. Different languages, cultural backgrounds, preferences, and other traits make it unique as well as hard to tackle.
If you need help establishing an advantage in India, I’m here to help. Whether it’s opening a legal business entity, hiring, and HR, or anything from influencer marketing to partner search, we can help you and your company get what you need quickly and affordably. If you’re in need of any advice or would just like to talk, feel free to send me an inquiry and we can find the best way that I help you and your business grow.
Let’s make content together!
Media Appearances & Entertainment
MBC <별다리 외사친(BDR Universe)>, Panel, 2021~Present
Mokkoji Korea <K-lifestyle live show>, MC, 2021
KBS <회사 가기 싫어(I Hate Going to Work)>, Cast Member, 2019
MBC <대한외국인(South Korean Foreigners)>, Guest, 2019
JTBC <비정상회담(Non Summit)>, Guest, 2017